Nature Inspired...
The Secret Garden

513. 897. 5505 4107 E. St. Rt. 73 Waynesville, OH 45068
Black Barn

We rent the Barn and Cottage to an awesome family --
We lost our beloved Jan Burton in 2020, she was the driving force and an incredible lady that we had the pleasure of knowing
and will miss forever.
Junior and Diane Swartz will continue ownership of the Barn 1st floor, and will bring you fun and creative things to see and buy!
It is NOT our merchandise. You will find they have incredible pricing so they do not discount (unless a sale is on). We do not wholesale to retailers for their shops, tax is included.
We love that they are a special part of our Secret Garden!
We also have a display of Halloween & Fall merchandise in the upstairs of the Black Barn, which is our merchandise.